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:: Version 2.4.25 Released :: (1)Post a Reply
Aug 16 2004, 9:58 AM
 Version 2.4.25 ReleasedPost a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

Version 2.4.256 (build 2.0.425) of the ASP Report Wizard has just been released.
    This version features several new properties and features including more bug fixes and routine uptimization.
Some of the new properties include:

  • UsePopupFilters: This property sets whether the report's filters should be a popup dialog box or should just appear above the grid. Default is False

  • UseProcedures:  This property is used to set the report wizard's stored procedure (you wish to display) toghether with their parameter names and values. for example:
    objWiz.UseProcedures = "Procedure1,@Param1='Value1',@Param2='Value2'|Proc2,@P1=10,@P2='V2'"

In addition to these properties, the report wizard's default filters also have the following options added:
- Is Greater Than Or Equal To
- Is Less Than Or Equal To

Some documentation is already aviable from both our downloads section and the online manual .

Let us know if everything is working out fine.

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