The following are some general guidelines to follow when making a post or reply. - Search before posting a question, since many of those questions have already been answered.
- Do not post the same question in more than one forum. It won't increase but rather decrease your chance to get help.
- Posts should be posted in the proper forum. While the General forums get the most traffic, the specific forums are read by users best able to help you. If you feel that a post really belongs in the general forum, you can post it there, but if we disagree, we will move it.
The occasional post may be tolerated but don't tell we didn't warn you...
- Post your code. If you have a question about why your program crashes, include a complete description of the error as well as the code where the program crashed. You may not have to post your entire code base, just the relevant parts.
- Keep it clear. It's very easy to misinterpret what people are saying via e-mail because you can't see the body language or hear the inflections. Therefore, we should all ensure that our posts are as clear as possible. Also, bear in mind that this forum has global scope so we have to be tolerant of those for whom english is not their first language.
- Stay on topic within a thread. If you suddenly come up with a pressing question on another subject, start a new thread with it. And opposite, started you have thread that is still open don't start a new thread to continue the discussion only because you feel up for it.
- When replying read the whole thread before posting. The question may already have been answered. In that case, do not post unless you can add a different or better solution or a correction to the previous post.
- If you have posted a question, and your problem has been solved either by another poster, or on your own, then please post a message saying that the issue has been resolved.
- Attachments should be less than 100K in size so use WinZip to compress them. Also, you should attach source code instead of EXEs or DLLs because of the possibility of viral infection. For a similar reason, plain text or RTF files are preferable to MSWord DOC files.
- No homework assignments. Specific questions about parts of the assignment are permitted, but don't expect us to do your entire assignment for you. It is also permitted to ask for advice on getting started, or for general algorithms (pseudocode).
- No Spam. This is such a basic rule of netiquette I shouldn't have to say it, but here it is. No advertising, no promoting of websites or products EXCEPT as a reply to a particular post where the website or product is relevant.
- No posts in aid of virus or trojan creation or other malicious code. The offending post will be deleted and the poster may be banned.
- Keep it legal. No posts in aid of pirating intellectual property, pyramid scams or other illegal activities will be tolerated. No links to warez or to sites that promote copyright infringement of any type. No hacking or cracking of any sort. Since this site has an international following and since what is considered illegal can vary from country to country, the moderators will decide if a post is acceptable or not.
- No Personal Attacks! You may attack or dispute opinions and facts, but do so with facts and not by taking it to a personal level.
- Keep it civil. Do not insult or disparage any member. If you have a problem with another member or moderator, send a private message to him/her. Remember the No Personal Attack rule - bring such disputes to my attention, I'll deal with them.
Posts that violate the above guidelines may be moved, edited or deleted without notice. Posters who violate the guidelines may be banned, depending upon the infraction and prior history. This can also be without notice, but in most cases, a warning will be issued.
These rules are subject to change, additions and deletions based on my opinion. Check for changes once in a while.
With your cooperation, we can keep this forum a nice place to come to for support.
Thank you, Team