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:: Stored Procedures :: (9)Post a New Message | Post a Reply
Jul 22 2004, 4:45 PM
 Stored ProceduresPost a Reply

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from: Philadelphia, PA

Do you have any information as to how stored procedures are handled by the object.  It would be preferable to convert the views we have to stored procedures so we could dynamically change the column names based on user preferences.

I am concerned that performance with a stored procedure might be poor relative to views or tables...since I would think you would have to fetch all of the data initially.....not like a table/view where you could initially limit the resultset.  

Jul 23 2004, 6:22 AM
 Re: Stored ProceduresPost a Reply

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from: Laurel, MD

It does take longer for to load stored procedures because we have to check if it has any parameters. We might do away with that in a later release.

Currently, there are some limitations to SQL Stored procedures in that if it has a date field as a parameter, then you may not be able sort or filter your report. This is an ADO (Microsoft) problem. There are ways around it but we are looking for the best implementation. Futher more, ADO.NET is far more stable.

Stored procedures generally run faster because the are compiled and uptimized.

It would be preferable to convert the views we have to stored procedures so we could dynamically change the column names based on user preferences.

You can do this with your stored procedure by use of the sp_executesql command in SQL Server. for example:

CREATE  PROCEDURE dbo.GetSchedule(
     @UserID  INT
  SELECT [EmpName], [Date], StartTime, EndTime, StartBreakTime, EndBreakTime, Notes
  INTO #TempTable
  FROM Schedule  WHERE SupervisorID=@UserID AND DATEDIFF(DAY,  GETDATE(), [Date])>-1
  DECLARE @MyFields  NVARCHAR(300)
  IF EXISTS(SELECT ScheduleFields  FROM UserPrefs  WHERE UserID=@UserID)
      SELECT TOP 1 @MyFields=ScheduleFields  FROM UserPrefs  WHERE UserID=@UserID
     SET @MyFields = '*'
EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL

Master of the Game
Jul 23 2004, 6:57 AM
 Re: Stored ProceduresPost a Reply

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from: Philadelphia, PA

Thanks very much.

These procedures will have no parameters, so everything should be OK.

Jul 28 2004, 1:33 PM
 Re: Stored ProceduresPost a Reply

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from: Philadelphia, PA

I spent a lot of time converting all of our views to
stored procedures...and they don't work with the report wizard.

The documentaiton is almost non-existent on how you support
stored procedures, but I am getting the idea that it is not like tables
or views.

1) I need to show only a selected number of stored procedures.
    UseTables() does not seem to work on stored procedures.
2) When I set HideProcedures = false, then I get a list of
     stored procedures, but there is no checkbox to get into
     the wizard to build a report??????????????

What is going on???

Jul 28 2004, 8:45 PM
 Re: Stored ProceduresPost a Reply

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from: Laurel, MD

Stored Procedures are compiled queries - kind of like functions that return recordsets. stored procedures are meant to opperate independently - that is why even in any RDMS you don't generate datasets from related stored procedures. Even microsoft ADO has very limited support for stored procedures.

If you understand what role stored procedures play in a RDMS, you will realize that arenot to be treated as tables or view.

Stored procedures should have all the logic and return all the data you need to view in your repoprts - that is why they accept parameters. If you want to accomplish a certain task, explain it to me in detail and I will write a stored procedure for you.

Master of the Game
Jul 29 2004, 4:22 AM
 Re: Stored ProceduresPost a Reply

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from: Philadelphia, PA

I fully understand how stored procedures operate.
I think you have mislead your customers by not documenting
that your stored procedure support is lacking functionality.

You should not claim that you support stored procedures
for report usage if you do not.  If you cannot modify the columns
displayed, the filters on the returned recordset, the column
formatting, then what good is it?  If you can't select the sp and
save a customized report, then why do you claim to support stored

Crystal Reports and Microsoft SQL Report Services have no problem
allowing you to build a customized report from a stored procedure,
so I believed that your product could do the same, and your minimal
documentation would lead me to believe that as well.  After spending
two days converting our views to stored procedures so I could modify
the column aliases on the fly, I was dissapointed that I had wasted my time.

I know you are a small company...that your product is reasonably priced..and
for that reason, I don't think I should complain too much.  However, I have to
say that I am not so enthusiastic about your product at this moment as I
was a few days ago.

By the way, I am not wild about your tone.  I have been dealing with databases
fo 20 years.  I was assuming that your tool was processing the resultsets
of the objects they call, which would make it perfectly feasible to process, join and filter the data at a level higher.

Jul 29 2004, 5:28 AM
 Re: Stored ProceduresPost a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

We said for now there will be limited support  for stored procedures.
We are hopping to have full support in a later release.
For now we added this support because one user specifically wanted it.

To create a report from a stored procedure do the following:
Click on the Stored Procedure
- If it requires parameters, it will pop-up the wizard dialog
- If it does not require parameters, it will open the results...
You can now build the report by clicking on the build report link button

Crystal Reports and Microsoft SQL Report Services have no problem
allowing you to build a customized report from a stored procedure,
so I believed that your product could do the same, and your minimal
documentation would lead me to believe that as well.  

We choose not to design our engine as Crystal Reports or Microsoft SQL Report Services because they will end up make the end up making the usage too complicated. We will eventually complete our engine and developing fully functional reports from stored procedures, tables, views and legacy data will be supported.

After spending two days converting our views to stored procedures so I could modify the column aliases on the fly, I was dissapointed that I had wasted my time.

I am sorry you spent so much time - but you can still modify the column aliases on the fly and even format their output text - Just CLick on Build Report button link.

I know you are a small company...that your product is reasonably priced..and for that reason, I don't think I should complain too much.  However, I have to say that I am not so enthusiastic about your product at this moment as I was a few days ago.

We are working hard on this and you would not be disappointed

By the way, I am not wild about your tone.  I have been dealing with databases fo 20 years.  I was assuming that your tool was processing the resultsets of the objects they call, which would make it perfectly feasible to process, join and filter the data at a level higher.

We process resultsets objects we just haven't finished bulding a virtual dataset for stored procedures that will run as fast and will use minimal memory space.

Belive Me - we are working hard on this and you would not be disappointed


Jul 29 2004, 6:20 AM
 Re: Stored ProceduresPost a Reply

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from: Philadelphia, PA

Well, I have not give up on you yet.  I still see this as a unique product that can be of value to us.  My dismay was a result of not understand what support you have.......and I did search the whole website and discussion boards for details on how the stored procedure support works.

And by the way, I find your writing style and tone to be much more pleasant from a customer perspective than the other guy.

Jul 29 2004, 7:58 AM
 Re: Stored ProceduresPost a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

The whichman is an angrycoder and complaints  too much about the limitations of RDMS. I guess he was just fustrated because he is probably at a client site. Anyway he is a nice dude.
thanx for your patience..

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