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:: classic Asp treeview with database :: (1)Post a New Message | Post a Reply
Jan 12 2011, 3:20 AM
 classic Asp treeview with databasePost a Reply

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since: Jan 12, 2011
from: india

   I am trying to display the treeview for database and for that i am using
demoDB.asp and clsTreeview.asp this two file it giving me result. it expand the level of tree onclick of the name. but i want same function by on clicking plus and minus image. so tell me, how could i do this?
  plz  reply soon.

file are following:

demoDB.asp :

<!--#include file="clsTreeView.asp"-->
'declare your treeview object
Dim objTV,strConn

'set your connection string
strConn = "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};" _
    & "DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("site.mdb")

'create an instance of your treeview
Set objTV = New TreeView

'load the treeview from the 'Menu' database table
Call objTV.LoadFromDB(strConn,"Menu")

'display your treeview

'clear memory
Set objTV = Nothing


Option Explicit
' ======================================================================================
' Desc:        This code show how to create a simple treeview class using ASP and Cascading Stylesheets.
'            Greate for programmers who want to learn how to create simple ASP controls.
' Author:    Tanwani Anyangwe (
' Requires: ASP 2.1 +
' Copyright © 2001 Tanwani Anyangwe for
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Visit AspWebSolution - free source code for ASP & AS.NET programmers
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Please ensure you visit the site and read their free source licensing
' information and requirements before using their code in your own
' application.
' ======================================================================================

Class Collection
    Private m_next,m_len
    Private m_dic    
    Public Sub Add(Item)
        m_dic.Add "K" & m_next,Item
        m_next = m_next+1        
        m_len = m_len+1        
    End Sub
    Public Sub Clear
    End Sub
    Public Function Length
    End Function
    Public Default Function Item(Index)
        Dim tempItem,i
        For Each tempItem In m_dic.Items
            If i=Index Then
                Set Item=tempItem
                Exit Function
            End If
    End Function
    Public Sub Remove(ByVal Index)
        Dim Item,i
        For Each Item In m_dic.Items
            If i=Index Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Set m_dic = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")                
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Set m_dic = Nothing                
    End Sub
End Class

Class Node    
    'Public Parent
    Public Text
    Public Href
    Public Target
    Public ToolTipText
    Public ChildNodes
    Public ImageUrl
    Public ID
    Public Sub Init(strText,strHref,strToolTipText)
    End Sub
    Public Sub Add(objNode)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Set ChildNodes = New Collection                
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Set ChildNodes = Nothing                
    End Sub
End Class

Class TreeView
    Private m_folder
    Public Color    
    Public Nodes
    Public DefaultTarget
    Public ID
    Public Property Let ImagesFolder(strFolder)
    End Property
    Public Property Get ImagesFolder()
    End Property
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Set Nodes = New Collection    
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Set Nodes = Nothing                
    End Sub
    Public Function AddNode(Text)
        Dim tn
        Set tn = new Node
    End Function
    Public Function CreateNode(Text,Href,ToolTipText)
        Dim tn
        Set tn = new Node
        Call tn.Init(Text,Href,ToolTipText)
        Set CreateNode=tn
    End Function
    Public Function CreateSimpleNode(Text)
        Dim tn
        Set tn = new Node
        tn.Text = Text
        Set CreateSimpleNode=tn
    End Function

    Private Sub LoopThru(NodeList,Parent)    
        Dim i,j,Node,blnHasChild,strStyle
        If Parent<>"0" Then
            Out ("<ul class=tree id=""N" & Parent & """>")
            Out ("<ul xstyle='margin-left:20px;' id=""N" & Parent & """>")
        End If
        For i=0 To NodeList.Length-1
            Set Node = NodeList(i)        
            If (Node.ChildNodes.Length>0) Then
            End If
            If Node.ImageUrl="" Then
                strStyle="style='list-style-image: url("& Node.ImageUrl &");'"
            End If                
            If blnHasChild Then
                Out("<li "& strStyle &" class=folder id=""P" & Parent & i & """><a class=treeview href=""javascript:toggle"& id &"('N" & Parent & "_" & i & "','P" & Parent & i & "')"">" & Node.Text & "</a>")
                If Node.Target="" Then
                End If
                Out("<li "& strStyle &" class=file><a class=treeview href=""" & Node.Href & """ target=""" & Node.Target & """  title=""" & Node.ToolTipText & """>" & Node.Text & "</a>")
            End If
            If blnHasChild Then        
                Call LoopThru(Node.ChildNodes,Parent & "_" & i)
            End If    
            Out ("</li>")
        Out ("</ul>")
    End Sub

    Private Sub Out(s)
    End Sub
    Public Sub Display
        Out("<script>function toggle"& id &"(id,p){var myChild = document.getElementById(id);if(!='block'){'block';document.getElementById(p).className='folderOpen';}else{'none';document.getElementById(p).className='folder';}}</script>")
        Out("<style>ul.tree{display:none;margin-left:17px;}li.folder{list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/plus.gif);}li.folderOpen{list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/minus.gif);}li.file{list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/dot.gif);}a.treeview{color:"& Color &";font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;}a.treeview:link {text-decoration:none;}a.treeview:visited{text-decoration:none;}a.treeview:hover {text-decoration:underline;}</style>")
        Call LoopThru(Nodes,0)        
    End Sub
    Public Sub LoadFromDB(strConn,strMenuTable)
        Dim Conn
        Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
        Conn.Open strConn
        Dim RS,node,parentid,parentNode
        Set RS = Conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM " & strMenuTable & " ORDER BY MenuID,ParentID")
        If Not RS.EOF Then
            Do While Not RS.EOF
                Dim child                
                Set child = new Node
                Call child.Init(RS("Text"),RS("URL"),RS("ToolTip"))
                child.ID =RS("MenuID")
                If parentid=0 then
                    Set parentNode = FindNode(Nodes,ParentID)
                    If Not (parentNode is Nothing) Then
                    End If
                End If
        End If
        Set RS = Nothing
        Set Conn = Nothing        
    End Sub
    Private Function FindNode (nodes,ID)
        dim i,tempNode        
        For i=0 To nodes.Length-1
            Set tempNode = nodes(i)
            if tempNode.Id=ID then
                Set FindNode=tempNode
                Exit Function
                If tempNode.ChildNodes.length>0 Then
                    Set tempNode = FindNode(tempNode.ChildNodes,ID)
                    If Not (tempNode is Nothing) Then
                        Set FindNode=tempNode
                        Exit Function
                    End If
                end if
            End If                
        Set FindNode = Nothing            
    End Function
    Public Sub DisplayFolderContents(ByVal strFolderPath)
        Out("<script>function toggle"& id &"(id,p){var myChild = document.getElementById(id);if(!='block'){'block';document.getElementById(p).className='folderOpen';}else{'none';document.getElementById(p).className='folder';}}</script>")
        Out("<style>ul.tree{display:none;margin-left:17px;}li.folder{list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/plus.gif);}li.folderOpen{list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/minus.gif);}li.file{list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/dot.gif);}a.treeview{color:"& Color &";font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;}a.treeview:link {text-decoration:none;}a.treeview:visited{text-decoration:none;}a.treeview:hover {text-decoration:underline;}</style>")

        Dim fso
        Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If fso.FolderExists(strFolderPath) Then            
            Call ListFolderContents(fso.GetFolder(strFolderPath),0)            
            Out "<font color=red>Folder <b>'" & strFolder & "'</b> does not exist</font>"
        End If
        Set fso = Nothing
    End Sub
    Private Sub ListFolderContents(objFolder,Parent)
        Dim objSubFolder, objFile    
        If Parent<>"0" Then
            Out ("<ul class=tree id=""N" & Parent & """>")
            Out ("<ul xstyle='margin-left:20px;' id=""N" & Parent & """>")
        End If    
        dim i
        For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.SubFolders
            Out("<li class=folder id=""P" & Parent & i & """><a class=treeview href=""javascript:toggle"& id &"('N" & Parent & "_" & i & "','P" & Parent & i & "')"">")
            Out objSubFolder.Name & "</a>"            
            Call ListFolderContents(objSubFolder,Parent & "_" & i)
            Out "</li>"
        For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
            Out "<li class=file>" & objFile.Name & "</li>"
        Out "</ul>"
        Set objFile = Nothing
        Set objSubFolder = Nothing
    End Sub
End Class



    Public Sub LoadFromDB(strConn,strMenuTable)
        Dim Conn
        Set Conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
        Conn.Open strConn
        Call AddNodesFromDB(Conn,strMenuTable,0,-1)
        Set Conn = Nothing        
    End Sub
    Private Sub AddNodesFromDB(objConn,strTable,intParentId,intDepth)
        Dim RS,node
        Set RS = objConn.Execute("SELECT * FROM " & strTable & " WHERE ParentID=" & intParentId)
        If Not RS.EOF Then
            Do While Not RS.EOF
                'Call AddNodesFromDB(objConn,strTable,RS("MenuID"),intDepth)
        End If
        Set RS = Nothing
    End Sub

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