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:: Microsoft Sql connection :: (5)Post a New Message | Post a Reply
May 9 2006, 6:25 PM
 Microsoft Sql connectionPost a Reply

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since: May 9, 2006
from: somewhere


according to the code as below:

Dim objWiz
Set objWiz = Server.CreateObject("AspWebSolution.ReportWizard2")
'Make sure you initialize before adding any HTML text
'TODO: Change this to your actual connection tring
objWiz.Init("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=D:\Databases\nwind.mdb;")
'put this where you want your reports
Set objWiz = Nothing
It's using Microsoft Access database.
Anyone know how to connect to Microsoft SQL?
anyone can help? ....many thanks.

May 10 2006, 10:25 AM
 Re: Microsoft Sql connectionPost a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

MS SQL Server
strConnectionString = "Provider=MSDASQL;Driver={SQL Server};" & _
    "Server=YOUR_SERVER_NAME;Database=YOUR_DATABASE;" & _

You can check out the connection string samples in our online manual for more examples.

May 15 2006, 1:38 AM
 Re: Microsoft Sql connectionPost a Reply

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since: May 9, 2006
from: somewhere

Many thanks ghost....but I have another problem here.

i got 2 tables on my database

tblA - unique record of advertiser's identity.
          eg. Adv_id               name                            email            
                 001                    IKEA                   
                 002                    Isetan                 

tblB - multiple records of enquiry on tblA
           eg. Adv_id                        Quantity                           EnquiryDatetime
                  002                              2                                      3/24/2004 12:08:00
                  002                              1                                      4/20/2005 15:00:00
                  001                              3                                      3/24/2004 11:24:00

how can achieve the below chart?
y - no of enquiry
x - months (jan, feb, mar...) filter by years

Many thanks and hope to hear from you soon.    

May 17 2006, 5:40 PM
 Re: Microsoft Sql connectionPost a Reply

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since: May 9, 2006
from: somewhere

help.... i need some urgent help on this....
anybody can help me on this??

May 18 2006, 11:07 AM
 Re: Microsoft Sql connectionPost a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

how can achieve the below chart?
y - no of enquiry
x - months (jan, feb, mar...) filter by years

What do you need the advertisers table for? The information you want is in the enquiries table.
As for the month names, you can create (and populate) a new table called Months (MonthNumber, MonthName) and join it with the enquiries table

for SQL Server, your relationship statement might look as shown below:

Month([AWS_Enquiries].[EnquiryDateTime]) = MonthNumber

The create an aggregate report and select a SUM for Quantity

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