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:: Version 2.6.15 - Euro date & decimal formats :: (1)Post a Reply
Apr 28 2006, 8:00 AM
 Version 2.6.15 - Euro date & decimal formatsPost a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

We have just released v2.6.15 of the report wizard. This version features a work around for the european date formats not exporting to MS Excel and  two new properties IsEuroDecimalFormat and Encoding .

As of this version v2.6.15, when exporting files to excel, the date and numeric fields will be exported using the formats set by the user in the wizard dialog screen.
If no date format has been set, date fields will be exported in standard format as YYYY-MM-DD which should be recognized by excel.

This might however slow the export process because the reporting engine has to validate the date format first.
  • IsEuroDecimalFormat
    Sets whether the currency decimal format is european (When exporting data into excel) - Default is False
    Usage: objWiz.IsEuroDecimalFormat = True

  • Encoding
    The text encoding type when exporting data - Default is ISO-8859-1
The documentation has been updated accordingly.

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