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Index » Products » ASP Report Wizard v2 |
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Aug 1 2005, 8:01 PM |
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Goldestates since: Mar 27, 2005 from: Maryland | I just installed the new version ( by running the installer and choosing to uninstall. I rebooted, ran the installer again, and rebooted the server again. Now I get Page not found HTTP 500 - Internal server error Internet Explorer I usually only get this error when I mess up something in the default.asp file. Here is my default.asp start up file contents: <% Response.CacheControl = "no-cache" Response.AddHeader "Pragma", "no-cache" Response.Expires = -1 Dim objWiz Set objWiz = Server.CreateObject("AspWebSolution.ReportWizard2") With objWiz .LincenseKey = "MyLicense" .DatabaseType = 3 .HiddenTables = "appusers,converted,errors,fielddict,letformat,letters,office,reports,staff,sysprof,timeslips" .HideViews = True .TurnOffTableLinks = TRUE .DefaultDateFormat = "M/D/YY" .StyleSheet = "styles1.css" .ImagesUrl = "images" .LocaleFile = "locale.xml" .Title = "Report Writer" .PrintHeader = "<div align='CENTER'>Prince George's County Law Foundation</div>" .PrintFooter = "<div align=right>Page @CurrentPage of @NumOfPages (@NumOfRecs recs)</div>" .Width = "100%" .ShowInactiveButtons = TRUE .UsePopupFilters = TRUE '.UseProcedures = "Procedure1,@Param1='Value1',@Param2='Value2'" .ShowInactiveButtons = True .IsAdmin = True .AddTopNavigationBar = True .CreateExportFile = True .CommandTimeout = 60 .CanFilter = True End With strConn = "Provider=VFPOLEDB.1; Data Source=C:\inetpub\pbs\pglaw\pglaw\pbscases.dbc; Collating Sequence=MACHINE;" objWiz.Init(strConn) %> I even created a simple HTM file and the path works correctly as it also works with another ASP application in another folder in the same path. At this point I assume that when I run the default.asp that I have always run it is now looking for a page or something that does not exist. What to do? Joe | ||||||
Aug 2 2005, 5:09 AM |
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ghost from: Washington, DC | Your code looks OK. It seems the AWSReportWizard2.dll was not correctly registered. Try reinstalling the report wizard again. ------------------------- Ghost | ||||||
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