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:: Problem of UseProcedures with Parameters :: (2)Post a New Message | Post a Reply
Jul 1 2005, 2:44 AM
 Problem of UseProcedures with ParametersPost a Reply

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since: Jun 16, 2005
from: Singapore

UseProcedures with Parameters is a great feature, we can init the data before present to the customer. but I face difficulty to use this features.
my code :

Dim objWiz
Set objWiz = Server.CreateObject("AspWebSolution.ReportWizard2")
objWiz.UseProcedures = "CustomerByCountry=CUSTOMER BY COUNTRY,@Country="&CID
objWiz.Init("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & Server.MapPath("../data/sample.mdb") & ";")
        <title>Simple Repoprts</title>
    <body scroll="auto">
    <% objWiz.DisplayReports %>

Set objWiz = Nothing

I pass the country UK to the store procedure, but the report show that :
REParameter [@Country] has no default value.

Jul 5 2005, 7:16 PM
 Re: Problem of UseProcedures with ParametersPost a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

This bug has been fixed as of version 2.5.47

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