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:: Why can not pass a QueryString HiddenFields :: (2)Post a New Message | Post a Reply
Jun 27 2005, 4:10 AM
 Why can not pass a QueryString HiddenFieldsPost a Reply

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since: Jun 16, 2005
from: Singapore

I need to pass the UseTables & HiddenFields from a Login.aspx, I have try this for about 4 hours, can anyone the find out the reason?
Dim objWiz
Set objWiz = Server.CreateObject("AspWebSolution.ReportWizard2")
Dim Tables
Dim HF
Tables = Request.QueryString("TABLES")
With objWiz
    .HiddenFields = [HF]
    .UseTables = Tables
End With  
objWiz.Init("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=" & Server.MapPath("DB/GFDB.MDB") & ";")
Set objWiz = Nothing
my Login.aspx code
Dim Tables As String
Dim HiddenFields As String
Dim URL As String
Tables = ""
Tables = "Invoice,User"
HiddenFields = "Date,Inv"
URL = "REPORTS.ASP?TABLES=" & Tables & "&HiddenFields="&HiddenFields

Here, I pass "Invoice,User" to UseTables
and pass "Date,Inv" to HiddenFields
but the result is that : the Date, Inv can not hide
this is a simple test, actually I want to pass HiddenFields from a database table ( generate strings from database) for security issue.
Very urgently!!!

Jun 27 2005, 11:06 AM
 Re: Why can not pass a QueryString HiddenFieldsPost a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

Try the latest download. I used the following script in my test:

Dim HF
HF = Request("hf")
'Response.Write hf & "<hr>"
With objWiz
    .ReportsFile = "data/nwind.xml"
    .Title = "ASP Report Wizard v" & .Version
    .UsePopupFilters = False
    '.LocaleFile = "data/locale_es.xml"    
    .HideProcedures = True
    .HiddenFields = HF
    '.HideReportsWithIDs = "5062712511"
End With

Note: Use Request(ParamName) NOT Request.QueryString(ParamName)

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