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:: Filtering and Summary :: (3)Post a New Message | Post a Reply
May 10 2005, 4:00 PM
 Filtering and SummaryPost a Reply

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since: May 10, 2005
from: El Dorado Hills, CA

I must compliment that this is indeed a great product. I just have one quick question.

I am able to make the reports, get the summary etc. The summary is based on a column of integer data type. When I use a filter to, the summary results are not accurate, the summary ignores the filter condition. Is there a work-around? Do I need to fix something

May 11 2005, 9:57 AM
 Re: Filtering and SummaryPost a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

Thanks, just wanted to let u know that this bug has been fixed as of the latest version 2.5.30

May 12 2005, 10:01 AM
 Re: Filtering and SummaryPost a Reply

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since: May 10, 2005
from: El Dorado Hills, CA

Thx, works great!!

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