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:: ASP Report Wizard expiry message in an ASP page :: (2)Post a New Message | Post a Reply
May 8 2005, 9:44 AM
 ASP Report Wizard expiry message in an ASP pagePost a Reply
 Ed Dwyer

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from: MIdlands. UK


I have just returned to using ASP Report Wizard after quite a while and have just attempted to create my first ASP page incorporating the Data Grid for the first time. The ASP page loads with the message:-

Your free version of the ASP Report Wizard has expired.
For a new copy, please visit
Thanks for using the ASP Report Wizard.

However the ASP page is running on the same Intranet server  where the valid purchased license is running with the no problems. I have published the page to the same domain. I have tried inserting the license key code - objWiz.LincenseKey but again I get the same message. I have checked the manual and have used the same code which I have listed below.

I would be most grateful if someone could point out the error of my my ways. I am no doubt doing something really stupid. (Wood from the trees....)



'declare variables
Dim objGrid
Dim strConn
Dim strSQL

strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password="""";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=AAAA;Initial Catalog=bcsserv;Data Source=CCC-SRVBE017"

'Build an SQL command statement

strSQL = "Select auftragsnr, auftragsdatum, plz from STANDORT where SUBSTRING(plz,10,1) <> '  ' order by plz"

' Create an instance of DataGrid
Set objGrid = Server.CreateObject("AspWebSolution.DataGrid")

With objGrid
    'Set your command statement
    .Command = strSQL
    'Create a databse connection
    .CreateConnection (strConn)
    'Display the data grid
End With

'distroy objects
Set objGrid = Nothing

May 9 2005, 6:11 AM
 Re: ASP Report Wizard expiry message in an ASP ...Post a Reply

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from: Washington, DC

I'm not sure there is anything wrong with your code but just download and install the latest version.
Always make sure you create your set all your properties before creating your connection as shown below:

'declare variables
Dim objGrid
Dim  strConn
Dim  strSQL

strConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password="""";Persist Security Info=True;User ID=AAAA;Initial Catalog=bcsserv;Data Source=CCC-SRVBE017"

'Build an SQL command statement

strSQL = "Select auftragsnr,auftragsdatum,plz from STANDORT where SUBSTRING(plz,10,1) <> '  ' "

' Create an instance of DataGrid
Set objGrid = Server.CreateObject("AspWebSolution.DataGrid")

With objGrid
     '(optional) set your license key info
    .LicenseKey = "My license key "

    'Set your command statement
    .Command = strSQL
    .DefaultSortOrder = "plz"

   'Create a databse connection
    .CreateConnection (strConn)
    'Display the data grid
End With

'destroy objects
Set objGrid = Nothing

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