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Class ReportWizard

1. ExcludeFromJoins Property for which to assign table field names to exclude from the report wizard's table join statement.e.g.
objReport.ExcludeFromJoins = "Field1, FIeld 2, Field9"
Note: This property must be assigned before the Init method
2. HideTables Property for which to assign tables and views to exclude from the report wizard's objects listing .e.g.
objReport.HideTables = "Table1, View 4, Table9"
Note: This property must be assigned before the DisplayReports method
3. ShowRowNumbers Boolean value which determines if the report should display the row numbers or no. The default value is true .e.g.
objReport.ShowRowNumbers = False
Note: This property must be assigned before the DisplayReports method
4. UseTables Property for which to assign only the tables and views which will be shown on the report wizard's objects listing .e.g.
objReport.UseTables = "Table1, View 4, Table9"
Note: This property must be assigned before the DisplayReports method
1 DisplayReports Displays the current report or list of database objects including tables and views.
This method can appear anywhere within your ASP page.e.g.
2 Init Initializes the report wizard with a connection string as the parameter.
Note: The Init method must be called before adding any HTML Tags/Text into your ASP page.e.g.
objReport.Init(ByVal strConnectionString As String)