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Mar 2 2006, 11:40 AM
 Re: treeView ASPPost a Reply

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since: Mar 2, 2006
from: somewhere

Just wanted to contribute with some modifications that allows this.

'Option Explicit
' ======================================================================================
' Desc:        This code show how to create a simple treeview class using ASP and Cascading Stylesheets.
'            Greate for programmers who want to learn how to create simple ASP controls.
' Author:    Tanwani Anyangwe (
' Requires: ASP 2.1 +
' Copyright © 2001 Tanwani Anyangwe for
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Visit AspWebSolution - free source code for ASP & AS.NET programmers
' --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Please ensure you visit the site and read their free source licensing
' information and requirements before using their code in your own
' application.
' ======================================================================================

Class Collection
    Private m_next,m_len
    Private m_dic    
    Public Sub Add(Item)
        m_dic.Add "K" & m_next,Item
        m_next = m_next+1        
        m_len = m_len+1        
    End Sub
    Public Sub Clear
    End Sub
    Public Function Length
    End Function
    Public Default Function Item(Index)
        Dim tempItem,i
        For Each tempItem In m_dic.Items
            If i=Index Then
                Set Item=tempItem
                Exit Function
            End If
    End Function
    Public Sub Remove(ByVal Index)
        Dim Item,i
        For Each Item In m_dic.Items
            If i=Index Then
                Exit Sub
            End If
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Set m_dic = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")                
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Set m_dic = Nothing                
    End Sub
End Class

Class Node    
    'Public Parent
    Public Text
    Public Href
    Public Target
    Public ToolTipText
    Public ChildNodes
    Public ImageUrl
    Public ID
    Public LEVEL
    Public Sub Init(strText,strHref,strToolTipText, strLevel)
        LEVEL = strLevel
    End Sub
    Public Sub Add(objNode)
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Set ChildNodes = New Collection                
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Set ChildNodes = Nothing                
    End Sub
End Class

Class TreeView
    Private m_folder
    Public Color
    Public ColorAlternative
    Public ColorAlternativeLevel
    Public ColorAlternativeSecond
    Public Nodes
    Public DefaultTarget
    Public ID
    Public Property Let ImagesFolder(strFolder)
    End Property
    Public Property Get ImagesFolder()
    End Property
    Private Sub Class_Initialize
        Set Nodes = New Collection    
        ColorAlternativeLevel = "LightSteelBlue"
    End Sub
    Private Sub Class_Terminate
        Set Nodes = Nothing                
    End Sub
    Public Function AddNode(Text)
        Dim tn
        Set tn = new Node
    End Function
    Public Function CreateNode(Text,Href,ToolTipText, strLevel)
        Dim tn
        Set tn = new Node
        Call tn.Init(Text,Href,ToolTipText, LEVEL)
        Set CreateNode=tn
    End Function
    Public Function CreateSimpleNode(Text)
        Dim tn
        Set tn = new Node
        tn.Text = Text
        Set CreateSimpleNode=tn
    End Function

    Private Sub LoopThru(NodeList,Parent)    
        Dim i,j,Node,blnHasChild,strStyle
        If Parent<>"0" Then
            Out ("<ul class=tree id=""N" & Parent & """>")
            Out ("<ul xstyle='margin-left:20px;' id=""N" & Parent & """>")
        End If
        For i=0 To NodeList.Length-1
            Set Node = NodeList(i)
            If (Node.ChildNodes.Length>0 or Node.LEVEL = 0) Then
            End If
            If Node.ImageUrl="" Then
                strStyle="style='list-style-image: url("& Node.ImageUrl &");'"
            End If                
            If blnHasChild Then
                Out("<li "& strStyle &" class=folder id=""P" & Parent & i & """><a class=treeview href=""javascript:toggle"& id &"('N" & Parent & "_" & i & "','P" & Parent & i & "')"">" & Node.Text & " (" & Node.ChildNodes.Length & ")</a>" & vbNewline)
                Out("<li class=insertlink><a class=insertlink href=""http://director/vbsdb/admin/leveladmin/rightframe.asp?VBSdbClickClass_0=VBSdbEditAdd&IdParent=" & Node.Level & """ target=""controlframe"">Insertar nivel aquí</a></li>" & vbNewline)
                If Node.Target="" Then
                End If
                Out("<li "& strStyle &" class=file><a class=treeview href=""" & "#" & Node.Href & """ title=""" & Node.ToolTipText & """>" & Node.Text & "</a> <a href =""http://director/vbsdb/admin/leveladmin/rightframe.asp?VBSdbClickClass_0=VBSdbEditDelete&VBSdbEditWhere_0=%28IDNIVEL%3D" & Node.Id &"%29"" TARGET=""controlframe""><img src="""& ImagesFolder &"/delete_record.gif"" width=""12"" height=""12"" border=""0""></a><a class=insertlinksub href=""http://director/vbsdb/admin/leveladmin/rightframe.asp?VBSdbClickClass_0=VBSdbEditAdd&IdParent=" & Node.Id & """ target=""controlframe""><img src=" & ImagesFolder &"/newrecord_insertsub.gif border=""0"">Insertar sub nivel</a>" & vbNewline)
                Out("<li class=insertlink><a class=insertlinksublevel href=""http://director/vbsdb/admin/leveladmin/rightframe.asp?VBSdbClickClass_0=VBSdbEditAdd&IdParent=" & Node.Level & """ target=""controlframe"">Insertar nivel aquí</a></li>" & vbNewline)
            End If
            If blnHasChild Then        
                Call LoopThru(Node.ChildNodes,Parent & "_" & i)
            End If    
            Out ("</li>")
        Out ("</ul>")
    End Sub

    Private Sub Out(s)
    End Sub
    Public Sub Display
        Out("<script> " & vbNewline & _
            "function toggle"& id &"(id,p){" & vbNewline & _
            "    var myChild = document.getElementById(id);" & vbNewline & _
            "    if(!='block'){" & vbNewline & _
            "'block';document.getElementById(p).className='folderOpen';" & vbNewline & _
            "        SetCookie('userclsTreeOpened'+id,p,15);" & vbNewline & _
            "        //SetCookie('userclsTreeOpened'+p,p,15);" & vbNewline & _
            "    }else{" & vbNewline & _
            "        //alert(id+' -'+p);" & vbNewline & _
            "'none';document.getElementById(p).className='folder';" & vbNewline & _
            "        Delete_Cookie('userclsTreeOpened'+id )" & vbNewline & _
            "        Delete_Cookie('userclsTreeOpened'+p)" & vbNewline & _
            "    }" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "</script>" & vbNewline)
        Out("<script> " & vbNewline & _
            "    function toggleload(){" & vbNewline & _
            "        //note: if your treeview is using an ID  " & vbNewline & _
            "        //your function will be toggleYOURID  " & vbNewline & _
            "        //toggle"& id &"('N0_0','P00');  " & vbNewline & _
            "        readCookie('N0_0_0');  " & vbNewline & _
            "        //toggle"& id &"('N0_0_0_1','P0_0_01');  " & vbNewline & _
            "        //alert('aqui'); "  & vbNewline & _
            "    }" & vbNewline & _
            "</script>  " & vbNewline)
        Out("<script> " & vbNewline & _
            "    function SetCookie(cookieName,cookieValue,nDays) {" & vbNewline & _
            "        var today = new Date();" & vbNewline & _
            "        var expire = new Date();" & vbNewline & _
            "        if (nDays==null || nDays==0) nDays=1;" & vbNewline & _
            "        expire.setTime(today.getTime() + 3600000*24*nDays);" & vbNewline & _
            "        document.cookie = cookieName+'='+escape(cookieValue)" & vbNewline & _
            "                 + ';expires='+expire.toGMTString();" & vbNewline & _
            "    }" & vbNewline & _
            "</script>  " & vbNewline)
        Out("<script> " & vbNewline & _            
            "// this deletes the cookie when called " & vbNewline & _            
            "    function Delete_Cookie( name, path, domain ) { " & vbNewline & _            
            "        //alert(name) " & vbNewline & _            
            "        if ( Get_Cookie( name ) ) document.cookie = name + '=' + " & vbNewline & _            
            "        ( ( path ) ? ';path=' + path : '') + " & vbNewline & _            
            "        ( ( domain ) ? ';domain=' + domain : '' ) + " & vbNewline & _            
            "        ';expires=Thu, 01-Jan-1970 00:00:01 GMT'; " & vbNewline & _            
            "    }" & vbNewline & _
            "</script>  " & vbNewline)

        Out("<script> " & vbNewline & _    
            "    // this function gets the cookie, if it exists " & vbNewline & _    
            "    function Get_Cookie( name ) {     " & vbNewline & _    
            "        var start = document.cookie.indexOf( name + '=' ); " & vbNewline & _    
            "        var len = start + name.length + 1; " & vbNewline & _    
            "        if ( ( !start ) && " & vbNewline & _    
            "        ( name != document.cookie.substring( 0, name.length ) ) ) " & vbNewline & _    
            "        { " & vbNewline & _    
            "            return null; " & vbNewline & _    
            "        } " & vbNewline & _    
            "        if ( start == -1 ) return null; " & vbNewline & _    
            "        var end = document.cookie.indexOf( ';', len ); " & vbNewline & _    
            "        if ( end == -1 ) end = document.cookie.length; " & vbNewline & _    
            "        return unescape( document.cookie.substring( len, end ) ); " & vbNewline & _    
            "    }" & vbNewline & _
            "</script>  " & vbNewline)
        Out("<script> " & vbNewline & _    
            "    function readCookie(name)" & vbNewline & _
            "    {" & vbNewline & _
            "        var nameEQ = name + '=';" & vbNewline & _
            "        var ca = document.cookie.split(';');" & vbNewline & _
            "        for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++)" & vbNewline & _
            "        {" & vbNewline & _
            "            var c = ca[i];" & vbNewline & _
            "                var vl = c.split('=')" & vbNewline & _
            "                //alert(vl[0]);" & vbNewline & _
            "                //alert(vl[1]);" & vbNewline & _
            "                var ckName = leftTrim(vl[0]);" & vbNewline & _
            "                var ckValue = vl[1];" & vbNewline & _
            "                var ckBase = 'userclsTreeOpened';" & vbNewline & _
            "                if(document.getElementById(vl[1])){" & vbNewline & _
            "                //alert('('+ckName+')' + ' ckLength= ' + ckBase.length +' Id= ' +ckName.substring(ckBase.length)+' VAL= '+ckValue);" & vbNewline & _
            "                toggle"& id &"(ckName.substr(ckBase.length,ckName.length),ckValue);  " & vbNewline & _
            "                }" & vbNewline & _
            "            while (c.charAt(0)==' '){" & vbNewline & _
            "                c = c.substring(1,c.length);" & vbNewline & _
            "            } "& vbNewline & _
            "            if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);" & vbNewline & _
            "        }" & vbNewline & _
            "        return null;" & vbNewline & _
            "    }" & vbNewline & _
            "</script>  " & vbNewline)

        Out("<script> " & vbNewline & _                
            "    function leftTrim(sString) " & vbNewline & _
            "    {" & vbNewline & _
            "    while (sString.substring(0,1) == ' ')" & vbNewline & _
            "    {" & vbNewline & _
            "    sString = sString.substring(1, sString.length);" & vbNewline & _
            "    }" & vbNewline & _
            "    return sString;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "</script>  " & vbNewline)

        Out("<style>" & vbNewline & _
            "ul.tree{" & vbNewline & _
            "display:none;margin-left:17px;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "li.folder{" & vbNewline & _
            "list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/plus.gif);" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "li.folderOpen{" & vbNewline & _
            "list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/minus.gif);" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "li.file{" & vbNewline & _
            "list-style-image: url(" & ImagesFolder & "/dot.gif);" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.treeview{" & vbNewline & _
            "color:"& Color &";" & vbNewline & _
            "font-family:verdana;" & vbNewline & _
            "font-size:8pt;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.treeview:link {text-decoration:none;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.treeview:visited{text-decoration:none;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.treeview:hover {text-decoration:underline;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.linktext:link {text-decoration:none;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.linktext:link {text-decoration:none;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlink{" & vbNewline & _
            "color:"& ColorAlternative &";" & vbNewline & _
            "font-family:verdana;" & vbNewline & _
            "font-size:7pt;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlink:link {text-decoration:none;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlink:visited{text-decoration:none;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlink:hover {text-decoration:underline;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "li.insertlink{" & vbNewline & _
            "list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/newrecord_insert.gif);" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlinksub{" & vbNewline & _
            "color:"& ColorAlternativeSecond &";" & vbNewline & _
            "font-family:verdana;" & vbNewline & _
            "font-size:7pt;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlinksub:link {text-decoration:none;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlinksub:visited{text-decoration:none;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlinksub:hover {text-decoration:underline;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlinksublevel{" & vbNewline & _
            "color:"& ColorAlternativeLevel &";" & vbNewline & _
            "font-family:verdana;" & vbNewline & _
            "font-size:7pt;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlinksublevel:link {text-decoration:none;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlinksublevel:visited{text-decoration:none;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
            "a.insertlinksublevel:hover {text-decoration:underline;" & vbNewline & _
            "}" & vbNewline & _
        Call LoopThru(Nodes,0)        
    End Sub
    Public Sub LoadFromDB(strConn,rstInput)
        Dim RS,node,parentid,parentNode
        Set RS = rstInput
        If Not RS.EOF Then
            Do While Not RS.EOF
                Dim child
                'Dim childadmin                
                Set child = new Node
                'Set childadmin = new Node
                Call child.Init(RS("Text"),RS("URL"),RS("ToolTip"), RS("ParentID"))
                'Call childadmin.Init("<--Insertar","URL","TOOL", RS("ParentID"))
                child.ID =RS("MenuID")
                'childadmin.ID =RS("MenuID")
                If parentid=0 then
                    Set parentNode = FindNode(Nodes,ParentID)
                    If Not (parentNode is Nothing) Then
                    End If
                End If
            Response.write " No hay información disponible"
        End If
        Set RS = Nothing
    End Sub
    Private Function FindNode (nodes,ID)
        dim i,tempNode        
        For i=0 To nodes.Length-1
            Set tempNode = nodes(i)
            if tempNode.Id=ID then
                Set FindNode=tempNode
                Exit Function
                If tempNode.ChildNodes.length>0 Then
                    Set tempNode = FindNode(tempNode.ChildNodes,ID)
                    If Not (tempNode is Nothing) Then
                        Set FindNode=tempNode
                        Exit Function
                    End If
                end if
            End If                
        Set FindNode = Nothing            
    End Function
    Public Sub DisplayFolderContents(ByVal strFolderPath)
        Out("<script>function toggle"& id &"(id,p){var myChild = document.getElementById(id);if(!='block'){'block';document.getElementById(p).className='folderOpen';}else{'none';document.getElementById(p).className='folder';}}</script>" & vbNewline)
        Out("<style>ul.tree{display:none;margin-left:17px;}li.folder{list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/plus.gif);}li.folderOpen{list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/minus.gif);}li.file{list-style-image: url("& ImagesFolder &"/dot.gif);}a.treeview{color:"& Color &";font-family:verdana;font-size:8pt;}a.treeview:link {text-decoration:none;}a.treeview:visited{text-decoration:none;}a.treeview:hover {text-decoration:underline;}</style>" & vbNewline)

        Dim fso
        Set fso = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
        If fso.FolderExists(strFolderPath) Then            
            Call ListFolderContents(fso.GetFolder(strFolderPath),0)            
            Out "<font color=red>Folder <b>'" & strFolder & "'</b> does not exist</font>"
        End If
        Set fso = Nothing
    End Sub
    Private Sub ListFolderContents(objFolder,Parent)
        Dim objSubFolder, objFile    
        If Parent<>"0" Then
            Out ("<ul class=tree id=""N" & Parent & """>")
            Out ("<ul xstyle='margin-left:20px;' id=""N" & Parent & """>")
        End If    
        dim i
        For Each objSubFolder In objFolder.SubFolders
            Out("<li class=folder id=""P" & Parent & i & """><a class=treeview href=""javascript:toggle"& id &"('N" & Parent & "_" & i & "','P" & Parent & i & "')"">")
            Out objSubFolder.Name & "</a>"            
            Call ListFolderContents(objSubFolder,Parent & "_" & i)
            Out "</li>"
        For Each objFile In objFolder.Files
            Out "<li class=file>" & objFile.Name & "</li>"
        Out "</ul>"
        Set objFile = Nothing
        Set objSubFolder = Nothing
    End Sub
End Class


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