ASP Report Wizard (version 2.6.43)
The ASP Report Wizard is a report generating component from which can be used to generate professional, data-driven, multi-level reports from virually any database and will run on any standard web browser in as little as 1 line of code.

This version supports all the features supported by version 1 many new features including dynamic charts & graphs, support for hierarchical (master-detail) datagrids, support for summary reports, field data formating, report paramters, password protected reports, report grouping, multi-level filtering, multi-level security much more ... »

Download a free Copy today of the ASP Report Wizard and should you need any support, just use our forums to post your problems.

 latest news
11/21/2009Download Site Restored
5/14/2008v2.6.42 Release - Fixed '+' sign paramer issue
5/6/2008v2.6.40 Released - Fixed Expiring Issue

Did you know?
You can easily access, format, and integrate dynamic data into web applications... »

 latest posts
10/31/2013Re: Ajax TreeView (A... lilianjie
10/31/2013Re: Free Version Exp... lilianjie
10/15/2013Re: Parameter/Filter... ghost
10/13/2013Parameter/Filter Dat... markiovino
9/3/2013Changing the domain ... markiovino

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