The ASP Report Wizard has the ability to generate simple charts & graphs from your database. There are 3 basic types of simple graphs. These include: The basic column graph, the stacked-type graph and the relative area graph as shown below.
Basic Column Graph
Click to enlarge
Stacked-Type Graph
Click to enlarge
Relative-Area Graph
Click to enlarge

To create any of these graphs you need to do the following steps carefully:
  1. Select any table that has the data you want to chart (e.g. Products) and click Build Report
  2. Select the legend field (eg. ProductName) and the data field (e.g. UnitPrice)
  3. Navigate to the section Add summaries to your report
  4. Select the option Add Graph
  5. Advance to the next screen: Chart Options
    Click to enlarge
  6. Select the graph type you want, your legend field (ProductName), enter the labels for you X & Y-Axes and a title desired.
  7. Select show graph only if you want only the graph to be displayed
  8. Click on Finish to display graph

See Also

