After you have successfully installed the ASP Report Wizard,
do the following steps get your first database online and start running your reports.
Create a folder in from your Internet Services Manager (or IIS) and grant this folder read/write permissions
- Create a blank text file and rename it default.asp.
Copy the following lines of ASP code into your default.asp file
Dim objWiz
Set objWiz = Server.CreateObject("AspWebSolution.ReportWizard2")
'Make sure you initialize before adding any HTML text
'TODO: Change this to your actual connection tring
objWiz.Init("PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=D:\Databases\nwind.mdb;")
'put this where you want your reports
Set objWiz = Nothing
Launch your web browser and navigate to the folder which you created.
See Also