By default, everyone has Admin rights on the report wizard. Everyone can create new reports, edit or even delete existing reports. These rights can be controlled by the use of the IsAdmin property which gives a user full control on the report wizard. The IsAdmin property which is set to True by default can be programatically controlled depending on the report wizard's current user's role as shown below:
If Not CBool(Session("IsAdmin")) Then
	objWiz.IsAdmin = False
End If
The CanAdd and CanDelete properties can also be used to allow a user to be able to add and delete reports.
In a situation where some users have partial control - i.e. can create new reports but cannot delete existing ones, this task can be accomplished as follows:
'Disable all Admin rights
objWiz.IsAdmin = False
Select Case Session("UserRole")
	Case "ADMIN" : objWiz.IsAdmin = True
	Case "CLERK" : objWiz.CanAdd = True
	Case Else : 'do nothing or hide certain report groups
End Select
objWiz.Init(Connection String)

See Also